Descend the famous 189 steps of the Escalier du Roy d’Aragon, discover the famous Bastion and its breathtaking views, appreciate and contemplate the purity and serenity of the marine cemetery, observe the Bouches de Bonifacio strait from the Bonifacio semaphore or the Saint-François battery, look out over the Bonifacio citadel from the sacred site of the Trinité…

Extending summer
Before the cold weather and the return of winter.
Take one last bowl of vitamin-packed activity
Layers of history
Bonifacio citadel
The Staircase of Legends
L'Escalier du Roy d'Aragon
Autumn events
Autumn here is sporty. On land, the Trail de Bonifacio brings together over 600 runners every year for a mythical, technical race. On the seaside, the Tour de Corse à la Voile is another eagerly-awaited event for top sailors. But autumn is also a time for the whole family to get together for Halloween in the citadel, with plenty of entertainment at the Bastion de l’Étendard.