Discover the bowels of the Bastion de l'Étendard
From the outside, you can contemplate the centuries of history that gave rise to this massive, impregnable structure: the Bastion de l’Étendard. Unviolable until recently, today it’s easy to enter this fortified castle and explore its underground chambers, some of which have been carved out of the rock. In the half-light of these galleries, illuminated by meagre openings, we discover the vaults, the rotunda and the large circular hall, reminiscent of the medieval architecture of the ancient defensive tower. At the heart of the building, we are drawn into the “1000 years of fortifications” exhibition, which retraces the history of the city’s fortifications. The film “Le Torrione de Bonifacio” (“Bonifacio’s Torrione”) takes us on a journey through time, also covering the history of the fortifications dating back to the Middle Ages.