Attend the Holy Week processions
in the City of CliffsExpressing a faith heir to nine centuries of tradition, the inhabitants of the Cité des falaises attend the many Holy Week processions in a singular atmosphere. For two days, until the Easter vigil, the processions of brotherhoods begin their Way of the Cross with passion and fervor, to the accompaniment of hymns. The brotherhoods parade with their respective “châsses” (reliquary containing the body of a saint), which are only worn at night to honor their saints. The “petites châsses” are unfurled on Maundy Thursday, when the “grandes châsses” are brought out on Good Friday. Circular processions” are also held. These take place on Friday mornings, starting at 8 a.m., and are attended by all confraternities. Each brotherhood is made up of the “dressed” confreres following the cross-bearer, and the faithful behind the confreres. Like Christ during his ascent to Calvary, the cross-bearer is barefoot and hooded. The five brotherhoods respectively visit the repositories (prepared in the preceding days) of the following churches: St. Dominic’s, St. Francis’, St. John the Baptist’s, St. Mary Major’s and St. Erasmus’.