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Pass Monument. We have created a cultural pass especially for you, to help you visit the un-missable historic monuments of Bonifacio for just ?3.50. With this pass, you will be able to access the famous Escalier du Roy d?Aragon and most of the fortifications of Bonifacio: the Bastion de l?Etendard. Rates of ?3.50 per person, free for under 12?s. Group rate: ?2 per person (minimum 10 persons). On sale: - at every site, - the church of Saint Dominique, - reception at the Municipal Tourist...
Activity(ies) for 3 to 5 years old
Activity(ies) for 6 to 12 years old
Activity(ies) for 13 to 17 years old
Paying parking
Projection room
Quality standards
Ville d'Art et d'Histoire
Basic price - full adult price
Group price
Children's price
Cheques and postal orders
Holiday vouchers
Online payment
- 10 Maximum number of people
Accepted customers
- Individuals
- Groups